Our healthcare system needs more doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.
There are endless barriers and red tape preventing health care professionals from doing the work they are trained to do.
It shouldn’t be this way.
Conservatives have laid out a plan to put an end to this bureaucratic nightmare and ensure more doctors and nurses can work in Canada.
A Conservative government would create a “Blue Seal” National Professional Testing Standard to quickly license professionals, including doctors and nurses, who can demonstrate they are qualified.
The goal is twofold: to ensure foreign-trained healthcare workers can work in Canada and to make it easier for healthcare workers to take their skills wherever they are needed across the country.
The Blue Seal will mean that it won’t matter where someone comes from, it matters what they can do.
Anyone who has passed the common national test for their profession would get a “Blue Seal” certificate, allowing them to work in any province or territory that chooses to join the Blue Seal Standard.
Fixing healthcare has barely even been an afterthought for Justin Trudeau.
It’s time for a government with the will to fix our healthcare system and get more doctors and nurses on the job to care for our families.